Another Inspec Design Engineer achieves CompEx

Congratulations to Inspec's Stuart Lake who is the latest of our engineers to achieve his CompEx 12 qualification. CompEx is recognised as the Competency ...

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Inspec at Hazardex 2017

Inspec Systems are pleased to announce that we shall be exhibiting at Hazardex 2017 in Runcorn.   We shall be posting updates, details and invitations in due course. ...

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Currently we are seeking the following experienced personnel: ...

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IChemE Dinner - At the Event

The evening proved a huge success with much laughter and just a little alcohol - or was that the other way round? Here are Inspec's Phil Edgerton and Wray Brown dressed in their finery.  ...

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Inspec at the IChemE Dinner

Inspec Systems will be hosting a table at the upcoming IChemE Annual Dinner (Hull and Humber) to be held at the Forest Pines Hotel and Golf Resort in Brigg on 17 November. We will post a picture or two after the event.  Meantime, if you are going why not come over and say hi - we'd ...

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Another Inspec engineer achieves his CompEx certification

Congratulations to Inspec's Greg Skowron who is the latest of our engineers to achieve his CompEx qualifications.  CompEx is recognised as the Competency Scheme of ...

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Memory Walk Update

Despite awful weather conditions and the fact that Sue decided not to wear a rain poncho, we are happy to advise that Sue and her team completed the walk and raised in excess of £500 for Alzheimer's research.  Well done to you all and hopefully next year the sun ...

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Memory Walk 2016

Repeating her efforts last year, Inspec's Sue Cressey will be once again taking part in the Humber Bridge Memory Walk this September, with proceeds from her sponsorship going to the Alzheimer's Society. Memory Walks take place throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland, with people ...

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Inspec’s New Website

You may have noticed a couple of changes around here recently? Fair enough.. that's a slight understatement. In fact you're looking at Inspec Systems' brand spanking new online presence, a website now fully revamped and optimised to meet modern day challenges and opportunities. Of cour...

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